about san polo

San Polo is a central Sestiere and the smallest of the six districts of Venice, covering 35 hectares, hugging the Grand Canal. It is also one of the oldest parts of the city, settled before the ninth century, and it is named for the church of San Polo.

Get one free guide map here (see the Pescaria link below).  You can download 6 free walking maps all at once here, and another 6 free maps if you subscribe here.

These walks traverse important creative, commercial and cultural sites.  There are courtyard and canal-side dining options along the way.


A feature-packed 1.3 km walk taking in the famous markets, one of the oldest churches in Venice, and some challenging navigational twists and turns!  Learn more about this walk and download a free copy of the map here.

San Polo

A 1.4 km walk starting on the Grand Canal and leading to the largest Campo in Venice


A 1.4 km walk taking in the Frari and one of the grandest ‘Scuole’ in Venice – San Rocco. 

Click on the images below to access the Google Maps version of the printed map.  The Google Maps version has detailed commentary on each point of interest.  To see the gallery of flyovers for each walk, visit my YouTube channel here.

See highlights from these walks:

Purchase the full map set here.